Belgický DWG editor Bricscad ve dvanácté verzi, která byla uvedena na trh letos v říjnu, nabízí podporu přímých úprav ve 3D geometrii a rozměrové vazby ve výkresech.

Program je pro Windows dodáván ve variantách Classic, Pro a Platinum, lišících se stupněm funkční výbavy. Začneme-li od toho nejnižšího, byla verze Classic doplněna o řešič vazeb ve 2D – ty lze přidávat k nakresleným prvkům a ovládat jimi jejich vzájemné závislosti (například kolmost nebo rovnoběžnost).

Bricscad V12Pro doplňuje výkonné přímé úpravy 3D objektů. Nový prvek uživatelského rozhraní nazvaný „Quad Cursor“ pomáhá provádět veškeré úkony s minimálním počtem nezbytných úkonů myši.

Nejvyšší stupeň výbavy Platinum nabídne řešič vazeb ve 3D. Vazbami lze omezovat a řídit různé prvky v DWG souboru – například hrany, plochy nebo rozličná tělesa. Fungování je obdobné jako v případě 2D vazeb. Aby ze strany uživatele nedošlo k překombinování vinou vložení zbytečných vazeb, hlídá jej tzv. detektor návrhového záměru, který analyzuje opakované úkony a situaci vhodně koriguje.

Všechny edice Bricscadu V12 byly vybaveny vylepšeným rastrovacím jádrem, umožňujícím rychlejší a plynulejší zoomování ve velmi rozsáhlých bitmapách, používaných zejména v segmentu GIS. Zdokonalena byla také práce s PDF formátem, což se opět projevuje při práci s velkými soubory.

Anglické verze Bricscadu V12 jsou dostupné od počátku října. Lokalizace do dalších jazyků budou přidávány v průběhu podzimu.

(Zdroj: Tisková zpráva)

Bricsys Releases Bricscad V12 for Windows

Expands mechanical modeling with addition of geometric, dimensional constraints

GENT, Belgium, Oct 12, 2011 – Bricsys today announces the release of Bricscad V12 for the Windows platform. This significant release adds powerful geometric and dimensional constraints to all three editions – Classic, Pro, and Platinum – as well as a host of other significant features. With direct modeling, design intent, and 3D constraints, Bricscad becomes the leader in .dwg-based 3D design

Bricscad V12 Classic

Bricscad V12 Classic now has a 2D constraint solver. Users can add constraints to 2D elements in drawings, such as perpendicular, parallel, and tangent.

All editions of the new Bricscad release feature an improved raster engine that allows GIS applications to smoothly zoom and pan very large bitmaps. Bricscad also sports a new PDF engine that offers very fast entities snapping in large files.

Other features common to all editions include the ability to trim hatches, add custom hatch patterns, define page setups, generate live section planes, model with new visual styles, and much more.

Bricscad V12 Pro

Bricscad V12 Pro adds powerful 3D direct modeling to the Standard edition’s 2D constraints. Direct modeling is the modern way to create product designs in 3D. Users can toggle smoothly between 2D and 3D modes, switching between familiar environments and using direct modeling operations. Dynamic dimensions allow fast and accurate modeling operations.

An intuitive new user interface element called the “Quad cursor” allows users to create and edit 3D models with a minimum of clicks. Hovering the cursor over edges, faces, and solids highlights them instantly, making them ready for direct operations, such as push-pull, rotate, and chamfer – all in real-time. In addition, users can perform these operations in rendered visual modes.

Bricscad V12 Platinum

Bricscad V12 Platinum revolutionizes .dwg-based modeling with its 3D constraint solver. Users can now add 3D constraints to edges, faces, and to several types of 3D solids. Constraints are added to the constraint control panel in a manner similar to 2D constraints. Users can view constraints in the model simply by selecting them in the panel.

Bricscad V12 Platinum protects the user against over-constrained models, and includes a design intent detector, which optionally analyzes repetitive operations on elements, detects the intentions of users, and applies the appropriate operations automatically on detected elements.

“With the introduction of these powerful modeling capabilities, we make 3D direct modeling affordable for everyone,” said Erik De Keyser, CEO of Bricsys. “By adding high-end technology, like design intent and 3D constraint solvers, we are strongly signaling our ambition to enter the 3D space in the MCAD and AEC markets.”

Availability and Pricing

All English editions of Bricscad V12 are available for download as of October 12, including a no-charge 30-day trial version, from Other language versions are expected to be available by the end of October. For a complete list of the new features, see

There is no price increase for any Bricscad V12 edition. The Platinum edition is priced from US$ 675 / € 575. New licenses and upgrades are available through local Bricsys resellers and online at the Bricsys e-store at

About Bricsys

Through a network of 70 offices on four continents, Bricsys is a global provider of engineering software. Its product portfolio consists of Bricscad design software, Vondle extended SaaS platform, and modeling and constraint solving components technology.

Bricscad is the powerful alternative CAD platform that enables .dwg-based applications to serve the growing markets of AEC, mechanical design, GIS, and civil engineering.

Bricsys products are available in 17 languages, with more languages in development. Every month, the company transparently reports to its customers the status and development of its software products. Wherever they are around the globe and around the clock, customers can communicate support requests directly to the Bricsys support team.

Bricsys is a founding member of the Open Design Alliance and thereby contributes to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For more information about Bricsys, contact us through


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